WPE WebKit MiniBrowser

To be able to run tests with the WPE WebKit MiniBrowser you need the following packages installed:

  • Fedora: N/A (build your own or use the nighly bundle)

  • Debian or Ubuntu: wpewebkit-driver and libwpewebkit

  • Arch: wpewebkit

The WPE WebKit MiniBrowser is not installed on the default binary path. The wpt script will try to automatically locate it, but if you need to run it manually you can find it on any of this paths:

  • Arch: /usr/lib/wpe-webkit-${APIVERSION}/MiniBrowser

  • Debian or Ubuntu: /usr/lib/${TRIPLET}/wpe-webkit-${APIVERSION}/MiniBrowser

    • Note: ${TRIPLET} is the output of the command gcc -dumpmachine

Nightly universal bundle

Alternatively you can pass to wpt the flags --install-browser --channel=nightly and then wpt will automatically download the last bundle and unpack it on the default wpt working directory (usually subdir _venv3/browsers in your wpt checkout) Then it will use the unpacked MiniBrowser and WPEWebDriver binaries to run the tests.

This universal bundles should work on any Linux distribution as they include inside the tarball all the system libraries and resources needed to run WPE WebKit, from libc up to the Mesa graphics drivers without requiring the usage of containers.

If you are using proprietary graphics drivers (NVIDIA, AMDGPU PRO, etc) and you experience issues with this bundle then a possible workaround is to try to run the tests in headless mode, for that pass the flag --headless to wpt

Headless mode

The WPE MiniBrowser needs a Wayland display to run, but if you don’t have one or you want to enable headless mode you can pass the flag --headless to wpt.


./wpt run [more-options] --headless wpewebkit_minibrowser [tests-to-run]

Using a custom WPE WebKit build

If you want to test with a custom WPE WebKit build the easiest way is that you install this build in a temporary directory (/tmp/wpetest in this example), and then tell wpt to run it from there.


  1. Build WPE WebKit passing these arguments to CMake:

  2. Install it: ninja install (or make install)

  3. Locate the MiniBrowser and WPEWebDriver binaries under the install directory.

  4. Run wpt passing these two paths like this:

    ./wpt run --webdriver-binary=/tmp/wpetest/bin/WPEWebDriver \
              --binary=/tmp/wpetest/libexec/MiniBrowser \
              [more-options] webkitgtk_minibrowser [tests-to-run]

Note: It is important that you build WPE WebKit against the libraries of your system. Do not build WPE WebKit inside Flatpak or other container unless you run wpt also from inside this container.

Running tests locally

Is a good idea that you increase the verbosity of wpt by passing to it the flag --log-mach=- Also, please check the documentation about Running Tests from the Local System.