testdriver.js Automation

testdriver.js provides a means to automate tests that cannot be written purely using web platform APIs. Outside of automation contexts, it allows human operators to provide expected input manually (for operations which may be described in simple terms).

testdriver.js supports the following test types:


The testdriver.js and testdriver-vendor.js must both be included in any document that uses testdriver (and in the top-level test document when using testdriver from a different context):

<script src="/resources/testdriver.js"></script>
<script src="/resources/testdriver-vendor.js"></script>

WebDriver BiDi

The api in test_driver.bidi provides access to the WebDriver BiDi protocol.


To use WebDriver BiDi, enable the bidi feature in testdriver.js by adding the feature=bidi query string parameter. Details are in RFC 214: Add testdriver features.

<script src="/resources/testdriver.js?feature=bidi"></script>
// META: script=/resources/testdriver.js?feature=bidi



A WebDriver BiDi “browsing context” is equivalent to an HTML navigable. In WebDriver BiDi, you can interact with any browsing context, regardless of whether it’s currently active. You can target a specific browsing context using either its unique string ID or its WindowProxy object.


(String|WindowProxy) A browsing context. Can be specified by its ID (a string) or using a WindowProxy object.


To receive WebDriver BiDi events, you need to subscribe to them. Events are only emitted for browsing contexts with an active subscription. You can also create a global subscription to receive events from all the contexts.

If there are buffered events, they will be emitted before the subcsribe command’s promise is resolved.


testdriver.js exposes its API through the test_driver variable in the global scope.

User Interaction

static test_driver.click(element)

Triggers a user-initiated mouse click.

If element isn’t inside the viewport, it will be scrolled into view before the click occurs.

If element is from a different browsing context, the command will be run in that context.

Matches the behaviour of the Element Click WebDriver command.

Note: If the element to be clicked does not have a unique ID, the document must not have any DOM mutations made between the function being called and the promise settling.

  • element (Element) – element to be clicked


Promise – fulfilled after click occurs, or rejected in the cases the WebDriver command errors

static test_driver.send_keys(element, keys)

Send keys to an element.

If element isn’t inside the viewport, it will be scrolled into view before the click occurs.

If element is from a different browsing context, the command will be run in that context. The test must not depend on the window.name property being unset on the target window.

To send special keys, send the respective key’s codepoint, as defined by WebDriver. For example, the “tab” key is represented as “\uE004”.

Note: these special-key codepoints are not necessarily what you would expect. For example, <kbd>Esc</kbd> is the invalid Unicode character \uE00C, not the \u001B Escape character from ASCII.

This matches the behaviour of the Send Keys WebDriver command.

Note: If the element to be clicked does not have a unique ID, the document must not have any DOM mutations made between the function being called and the promise settling.

  • element (Element) – element to send keys to

  • keys (String) – keys to send to the element


Promise – fulfilled after keys are sent, or rejected in the cases the WebDriver command errors

static test_driver.action_sequence(actions, context)

Send a sequence of actions

This function sends a sequence of actions to perform.

Matches the behaviour of the Actions feature in WebDriver.

Authors are encouraged to use the test_driver.Actions() builder rather than invoking this API directly.

  • actions (Array) – an array of actions. The format is the same as the actions property of the Perform Actions WebDriver command. Each element is an object representing an input source and each input source itself has an actions property detailing the behaviour of that source at each timestep (or tick). Authors are not expected to construct the actions sequence by hand, but to use the builder api provided in testdriver-actions.js

  • context (WindowProxy) – Browsing context in which to run the call, or null for the current browsing context.


Promise – fulfilled after the actions are performed, or rejected in the cases the WebDriver command errors

static test_driver.bless(intent, action, context)

Trigger user interaction in order to grant additional privileges to a provided function.

See Tracking user activation.

  • intent (String) – a description of the action which must be triggered by user interaction

  • action (function) – code requiring escalated privileges

  • context (WindowProxy) – Browsing context in which to run the call, or null for the current browsing context.


Promise – fulfilled following user interaction and execution of the provided action function; rejected if interaction fails or the provided function throws an error


var mediaElement = document.createElement('video');

test_driver.bless('initiate media playback', function () {

Window State

static test_driver.minimize_window(context)

Minimizes the browser window.

Matches the the behaviour of the Minimize WebDriver command

  • context (WindowProxy) – Browsing context in which to run the call, or null for the current browsing context.


Promise – fulfilled with the previous WindowRect value, after the window is minimized.

static test_driver.set_window_rect(rect, context)

Restore the window from minimized/maximized state to a given rect.

Matches the behaviour of the Set Window Rect WebDriver command

  • rect (Object) – A WindowRect

  • context (WindowProxy) – Browsing context in which to run the call, or null for the current browsing context.


Promise – fulfilled after the window is restored to the given rect.


static test_driver.delete_all_cookies(context)

Deletes all cookies.

Matches the behaviour of the Delete All Cookies WebDriver command.

  • context (WindowProxy) – Browsing context in which to run the call, or null for the current browsing context.


Promise – fulfilled after cookies are deleted, or rejected in the cases the WebDriver command errors

static test_driver.get_all_cookies(context)

Get details for all cookies in the current context. See https://w3c.github.io/webdriver/#get-all-cookies

  • context (WindowProxy) – Browsing context in which to run the call, or null for the current browsing context.


Promise – Returns an array of cookies objects as defined in the spec: https://w3c.github.io/webdriver/#cookies

Get details for a cookie in the current context by name if it exists. See https://w3c.github.io/webdriver/#get-named-cookie

  • name (String) – The name of the cookie to get.

  • context (WindowProxy) – Browsing context in which to run the call, or null for the current browsing context.


Promise – Returns the matching cookie as defined in the spec: https://w3c.github.io/webdriver/#cookies Rejected if no such cookie exists.


static test_driver.set_permission(descriptor, state, context)

Sets the state of a permission

This function causes permission requests and queries for the status of a certain permission type (e.g. “push”, or “background-fetch”) to always return state.

Matches the Set Permission WebDriver command.

  • descriptor (PermissionDescriptor) – a PermissionDescriptor or derived object.

  • state (PermissionState) – a PermissionState value.

  • context (WindowProxy) – Browsing context in which to run the call, or null for the current browsing context.


Promise – fulfilled after the permission is set, or rejected if setting the permission fails


await test_driver.set_permission({ name: "background-fetch" }, "denied");
await test_driver.set_permission({ name: "push", userVisibleOnly: true }, "granted");
static test_driver.bidi.permissions.set_permission(params)

Sets the state of a permission

This function causes permission requests and queries for the status of a certain permission type (e.g. “push”, or “background-fetch”) to always return state for the specific origin.

Matches the permissions.setPermission WebDriver BiDi command.

  • params (object) – Parameters for the command.

  • params.descriptor (PermissionDescriptor) – a PermissionDescriptor or derived object.

  • params.state (PermissionState) – a PermissionState value.

  • params.origin (string) – an optional origin string to set the permission for. If omitted, the permission is set for the current window’s origin.


Promise – fulfilled after the permission is set, or rejected if setting the permission fails.


await test_driver.bidi.permissions.set_permission({
    {name: "geolocation"},
    state: "granted",


static test_driver.add_virtual_authenticator(config, context)

Creates a virtual authenticator

This function creates a virtual authenticator for use with the U2F and WebAuthn APIs.

Matches the Add Virtual Authenticator WebDriver command.

  • config (Object) – an Authenticator Configuration object

  • context (WindowProxy) – Browsing context in which to run the call, or null for the current browsing context.


Promise – fulfilled after the authenticator is added, or rejected in the cases the WebDriver command errors. Returns the ID of the authenticator

static test_driver.remove_virtual_authenticator(authenticator_id, context)

Removes a virtual authenticator

This function removes a virtual authenticator that has been created by add_virtual_authenticator().

Matches the Remove Virtual Authenticator WebDriver command.

  • authenticator_id (String) – the ID of the authenticator to be removed.

  • context (WindowProxy) – Browsing context in which to run the call, or null for the current browsing context.


Promise – fulfilled after the authenticator is removed, or rejected in the cases the WebDriver command errors

static test_driver.add_credential(authenticator_id, credential, context)

Adds a credential to a virtual authenticator

Matches the Add Credential WebDriver command.

  • authenticator_id (String) – the ID of the authenticator

  • credential (Object) – A Credential Parameters object

  • context (WindowProxy) – Browsing context in which to run the call, or null for the current browsing context.


Promise – fulfilled after the credential is added, or rejected in the cases the WebDriver command errors

static test_driver.get_credentials(authenticator_id, context)

Gets all the credentials stored in an authenticator

This function retrieves all the credentials (added via the U2F API, WebAuthn, or the add_credential function) stored in a virtual authenticator

Matches the Get Credentials WebDriver command.

  • authenticator_id (String) – the ID of the authenticator

  • context (WindowProxy) – Browsing context in which to run the call, or null for the current browsing context.


Promise – fulfilled after the credentials are returned, or rejected in the cases the WebDriver command errors. Returns an array of Credential Parameters

static test_driver.remove_credential(authenticator_id, credential_id, context)

Remove a credential stored in an authenticator

Matches the Remove Credential WebDriver command.

  • authenticator_id (String) – the ID of the authenticator

  • credential_id (String) – the ID of the credential

  • context (WindowProxy) – Browsing context in which to run the call, or null for the current browsing context.


Promise – fulfilled after the credential is removed, or rejected in the cases the WebDriver command errors.

static test_driver.remove_all_credentials(authenticator_id, context)

Removes all the credentials stored in a virtual authenticator

Matches the Remove All Credentials WebDriver command.

  • authenticator_id (String) – the ID of the authenticator

  • context (WindowProxy) – Browsing context in which to run the call, or null for the current browsing context.


Promise – fulfilled after the credentials are removed, or rejected in the cases the WebDriver command errors.

static test_driver.set_user_verified(authenticator_id, uv, context)

Sets the User Verified flag on an authenticator

Sets whether requests requiring user verification will succeed or fail on a given virtual authenticator

Matches the Set User Verified WebDriver command.

  • authenticator_id (String) – the ID of the authenticator

  • uv (boolean) – the User Verified flag

  • context (WindowProxy) – Browsing context in which to run the call, or null for the current browsing context.

Page Lifecycle

static test_driver.freeze(context)

Freeze the current page

The freeze function transitions the page from the HIDDEN state to the FROZEN state as described in Lifecycle API for Web Pages.

  • context (WindowProxy) – Browsing context in which to run the call, or null for the current browsing context.


Promise – fulfilled after the freeze request is sent, or rejected in case the WebDriver command errors

Reporting Observer

static test_driver.generate_test_report(context)

Generates a test report on the current page

The generate_test_report function generates a report (to be observed by ReportingObserver) for testing purposes.

Matches the Generate Test Report WebDriver command.

  • context (WindowProxy) – Browsing context in which to run the call, or null for the current browsing context.


Promise – fulfilled after the report is generated, or rejected if the report generation fails


static test_driver.set_storage_access(origin, embedding_origin, state, context)

Sets the storage access rule for an origin when embedded in a third-party context.

Matches the Set Storage Access WebDriver command.

  • origin (String) – A third-party origin to block or allow. May be “*” to indicate all origins.

  • embedding_origin (String) – an embedding (first-party) origin on which {origin}’s access should be blocked or allowed. May be “*” to indicate all origins.

  • state (String) – The storage access setting. Must be either “allowed” or “blocked”.

  • context (WindowProxy) – Browsing context in which to run the call, or null for the current browsing context.


Promise – Fulfilled after the storage access rule has been set, or rejected if setting the rule fails.


static test_driver.get_computed_label(element)

Get Computed Label for an element.

This matches the behaviour of the Get Computed Label WebDriver command.

  • element (Element) –


Promise – fulfilled after the computed label is returned, or rejected in the cases the WebDriver command errors

static test_driver.get_computed_role(element)

Get Computed Role for an element.

This matches the behaviour of the Get Computed Label WebDriver command.

  • element (Element) –


Promise – fulfilled after the computed role is returned, or rejected in the cases the WebDriver command errors

Secure Payment Confirmation

static test_driver.set_spc_transaction_mode(mode, context)

Sets the current transaction automation mode for Secure Payment Confirmation.

This function places Secure Payment Confirmation into an automated ‘autoAccept’ or ‘autoReject’ mode, to allow testing without user interaction with the transaction UX prompt.

Matches the Set SPC Transaction Mode WebDriver command.

  • mode (String) – The transaction mode to set. Must be one of “none”, “autoAccept”, or “autoReject”.

  • context (WindowProxy) – Browsing context in which to run the call, or null for the current browsing context.


Promise – Fulfilled after the transaction mode has been set, or rejected if setting the mode fails.


await test_driver.set_spc_transaction_mode("autoaccept");
test.add_cleanup(() => {
  return test_driver.set_spc_transaction_mode("none");

// Assumption: `request` is a PaymentRequest with a secure-payment-confirmation
// payment method.
const response = await request.show();

Federated Credential Management

static test_driver.cancel_fedcm_dialog(context)

Cancels the Federated Credential Management dialog

Matches the Cancel dialog WebDriver command.

  • context (WindowProxy) – Browsing context in which to run the call, or null for the current browsing context.


Promise – Fulfilled after the dialog is canceled, or rejected in case the WebDriver command errors

static test_driver.click_fedcm_dialog_button(dialog_button, context)

Clicks a button on the Federated Credential Management dialog

Matches the Click dialog button WebDriver command.

  • dialog_button (String) – String enum representing the dialog button to click.

  • context (WindowProxy) – Browsing context in which to run the call, or null for the current browsing context.


Promise – Fulfilled after the button is clicked, or rejected in case the WebDriver command errors

static test_driver.select_fedcm_account(account_index, context)

Selects an account from the Federated Credential Management dialog

Matches the Select account WebDriver command.

  • account_index (number) – Index of the account to select.

  • context (WindowProxy) – Browsing context in which to run the call, or null for the current browsing context.


Promise – Fulfilled after the account is selected, or rejected in case the WebDriver command errors

static test_driver.get_fedcm_account_list(context)

Gets the account list from the Federated Credential Management dialog

Matches the Account list WebDriver command.

  • context (WindowProxy) – Browsing context in which to run the call, or null for the current browsing context.


Promise – fulfilled after the account list is returned, or rejected in case the WebDriver command errors

static test_driver.get_fedcm_dialog_title(context)

Gets the title of the Federated Credential Management dialog

Matches the Get title WebDriver command.

  • context (WindowProxy) – Browsing context in which to run the call, or null for the current browsing context.


Promise – Fulfilled after the title is returned, or rejected in case the WebDriver command errors

static test_driver.get_fedcm_dialog_type(context)

Gets the type of the Federated Credential Management dialog

Matches the Get dialog type WebDriver command.

  • context (WindowProxy) – Browsing context in which to run the call, or null for the current browsing context.


Promise – Fulfilled after the dialog type is returned, or rejected in case the WebDriver command errors

static test_driver.set_fedcm_delay_enabled(enabled, context)

Sets whether promise rejection delay is enabled for the Federated Credential Management dialog

Matches the Set delay enabled WebDriver command.

  • enabled (boolean) – Whether to delay FedCM promise rejection.

  • context (WindowProxy) – Browsing context in which to run the call, or null for the current browsing context.


Promise – Fulfilled after the delay has been enabled or disabled, or rejected in case the WebDriver command errors

static test_driver.reset_fedcm_cooldown(context)

Resets the Federated Credential Management dialog’s cooldown

Matches the Reset cooldown WebDriver command.

  • context (WindowProxy) – Browsing context in which to run the call, or null for the current browsing context.


Promise – Fulfilled after the cooldown has been reset, or rejected in case the WebDriver command errors


static test_driver.create_virtual_sensor(sensor_type, sensor_params={}, context=null)

Creates a virtual sensor for use with the Generic Sensors APIs.

Matches the Create Virtual Sensor WebDriver command.

Once created, a virtual sensor is available to all navigables under the same top-level traversable (i.e. all frames in the same page, regardless of origin).

  • sensor_type (String) – A virtual sensor type such as “accelerometer”.

  • sensor_params (Object) –

    Optional parameters described in Create Virtual Sensor.

  • context (WindowProxy) – Browsing context in which to run the call, or null for the current browsing context.


Promise – Fulfilled when virtual sensor is created. Rejected in case the WebDriver command errors out (including if a virtual sensor of the same type already exists).

static test_driver.update_virtual_sensor(sensor_type, reading, context=null)

Causes a virtual sensor to report a new reading to any connected platform sensor.

Matches the Update Virtual Sensor Reading WebDriver command.

Note: The Promise it returns may fulfill before or after a “reading” event is fired. When using EventWatcher.wait_for(), it is necessary to take this into account:

Note: New values may also be discarded due to the checks in update latest reading.

  • sensor_type (String) – A virtual sensor type such as “accelerometer”.

  • reading (Object) – An Object describing a reading in a format dependent on sensor_type (e.g. {x: 1, y: 2, z: 3} or { illuminance: 42 }).

  • context (WindowProxy) – Browsing context in which to run the call, or null for the current browsing context.


Promise – Fulfilled after the reading update reaches the virtual sensor. Rejected in case the WebDriver command errors out (including if a virtual sensor of the given type does not exist).


// Avoid races between EventWatcher and update_virtual_sensor().
// This assumes you are sure this reading will be processed (see
// the example below otherwise).
const reading = { x: 1, y: 2, z: 3 };
await Promise.all([
  test_driver.update_virtual_sensor('gyroscope', reading),
// Do not wait forever if you are not sure the reading will be
// processed.
const readingPromise = watcher.wait_for('reading');
const timeoutPromise = new Promise(resolve => {
    t.step_timeout(() => resolve('TIMEOUT', 3000))

const reading = { x: 1, y: 2, z: 3 };
await test_driver.update_virtual_sensor('gyroscope', 'reading');

const value =
    await Promise.race([timeoutPromise, readingPromise]);
if (value !== 'TIMEOUT') {
  // Do something. The "reading" event was fired.
static test_driver.remove_virtual_sensor(sensor_type, context=null)

Triggers the removal of a virtual sensor if it exists.

Matches the Delete Virtual Sensor WebDriver command.

  • sensor_type (String) – A virtual sensor type such as “accelerometer”.

  • context (WindowProxy) – Browsing context in which to run the call, or null for the current browsing context.


Promise – Fulfilled after the virtual sensor has been removed or if a sensor of the given type does not exist. Rejected in case the WebDriver command errors out.

static test_driver.get_virtual_sensor_information(sensor_type, context=null)

Returns information about a virtual sensor.

Matches the Get Virtual Sensor Information WebDriver command.

  • sensor_type (String) – A virtual sensor type such as “accelerometer”.

  • context (WindowProxy) – Browsing context in which to run the call, or null for the current browsing context.


Promise – Fulfilled with an Object with the properties described in Get Virtual Sensor Information. Rejected in case the WebDriver command errors out (including if a virtual sensor of the given type does not exist).

Device Posture

static test_driver.set_device_posture(posture, context=null)

Overrides device posture set by hardware.

Matches the Set device posture WebDriver command.

  • posture (String) – A DevicePostureType either “continuous” or “folded”.

  • context (WindowProxy) – Browsing context in which to run the call, or null for the current browsing context.


Promise – Fulfilled when device posture is set. Rejected in case the WebDriver command errors out (including if a device posture of the given type does not exist).

static test_driver.clear_device_posture(context=null)

Removes device posture override and returns device posture control back to hardware.

Matches the Clear device posture WebDriver command.

  • context (WindowProxy) – Browsing context in which to run the call, or null for the current browsing context.


Promise – Fulfilled after the device posture override has been removed. Rejected in case the WebDriver command errors out.

Bounce Tracking Mitigations

static test_driver.run_bounce_tracking_mitigations(context=null)

Runs the bounce tracking timer algorithm, which removes all hosts from the stateful bounce tracking map, without regard for the bounce tracking grace period and returns a list of the deleted hosts.

Matches the Run Bounce Tracking Mitigations WebDriver command.

  • context (WindowProxy) – Browsing context in which to run the call, or null for the current browsing context.


Promise – Fulfilled after the bounce tracking timer algorithm has finished running. Returns an array of all hosts that were in the stateful bounce tracking map before deletion occurred.

Compute Pressure

static test_driver.create_virtual_pressure_source(source_type, metadata={}, context=null)

Creates a virtual pressure source.

Matches the Create virtual pressure source WebDriver command.


Promise – Fulfilled when virtual pressure source is created. Rejected in case the WebDriver command errors out (including if a virtual pressure source of the same type already exists).

static test_driver.update_virtual_pressure_source(source_type, sample, estimate, context=null)

Causes a virtual pressure source to report a new reading.

Matches the Update virtual pressure source WebDriver command.


Promise – Fulfilled after the reading update reaches the virtual pressure source. Rejected in case the WebDriver command errors out (including if a virtual pressure source of the given type does not exist).

static test_driver.remove_virtual_pressure_source(source_type, context=null)

Removes created virtual pressure source.

Matches the Delete virtual pressure source WebDriver command.

  • source_type (String) – A virtual pressure source type such as “cpu”.

  • context (WindowProxy) – Browsing context in which to run the call, or null for the current browsing context.


Promise – Fulfilled after the virtual pressure source has been removed or if a pressure source of the given type does not exist. Rejected in case the WebDriver command errors out.

Using test_driver in other browsing contexts

Testdriver can be used in browsing contexts (i.e. windows or frames) from which it’s possible to get a reference to the top-level test context. There are two basic approaches depending on whether the context in which testdriver is used is same-origin with the test context, or different origin.

For same-origin contexts, the context can be passed directly into the testdriver API calls. For functions that take an element argument this is done implicitly using the owner document of the element. For functions that don’t take an element, this is done via an explicit context argument, which takes a WindowProxy object.


let win = window.open("example.html")
win.onload = () => {
  await test_driver.set_permission({ name: "background-fetch" }, "denied", win);
static test_driver.set_test_context(context)

Set the context in which testharness.js is loaded

  • context (WindowProxy) – the window containing testharness.js

static test_driver.message_test(msg)

postMessage to the context containing testharness.js

  • msg (Object) – the data to POST

For cross-origin cases, passing in the context doesn’t work because of limitations in the WebDriver protocol used to implement testdriver in a cross-browser fashion. Instead one may include the testdriver scripts directly in the relevant document, and use the test_driver.set_test_context API to specify the browsing context containing testharness.js. Commands are then sent via postMessage to the test context. For convenience there is also a test_driver.message_test function that can be used to send arbitrary messages to the test window. For example, in an auxillary browsing context:

await test_driver.click(document.getElementsByTagName("button")[0])
test_driver.message_test("click complete")

The requirement to have a handle to the test window does mean it’s currently not possible to write tests where such handles can’t be obtained e.g. in the case of rel=noopener.



To use the Actions API testdriver-actions.js must be included in the document, in addition to testdriver.js:

<script src="/resources/testdriver-actions.js"></script>


class Actions(defaultTickDuration=16)

Builder for creating a sequence of actions

The actions are dispatched once test_driver.Actions.send() is called. This returns a promise which resolves once the actions are complete.

The other methods on test_driver.Actions() object are used to build the sequence of actions that will be sent. These return the Actions object itself, so the actions sequence can be constructed by chaining method calls.

Internally test_driver.Actions.send() invokes test_driver.action_sequence().

  • defaultTickDuration (number) – The default duration of a tick. Be default this is set ot 16ms, which is one frame time based on 60Hz display.


let text_box = document.getElementById("text");

let actions = new test_driver.Actions()
   .pointerMove(0, 0, {origin: text_box})

await actions.send();
Actions.addKeyboard(name, set)

Add a new key input source with the given name

  • name (String) – Name of the key source

  • set (Bool) – Set source as the default key source



Actions.addPointer(type, pointerType, set)

Add a new pointer input source with the given name

  • type (String) – Name of the pointer source

  • pointerType (String) – Type of pointing device

  • set (Bool) – Set source as the default pointer source




Insert a new actions tick

  • duration (Number) – Minimum length of the tick in ms.



Actions.addWheel(type, set)

Add a new wheel input source with the given name

  • type (String) – Name of the wheel source

  • set (Bool) – Set source as the default wheel source



Actions.getSource(type, name)

Get the action source with a particular source type and name. If no name is passed, a new source with the given type is created.

  • type (String) – Source type (‘none’, ‘key’, ‘pointer’, or ‘wheel’)

  • name (String) – Name of the source


Source – Source object for that source.

Actions.keyDown(key, sourceName)

Create a keyDown event for the current default key source

  • key (String) – Key to press

  • sourceName (String) – Named key source to use or null for the default key source



Actions.keyUp(key, sourceName)

Create a keyUp event for the current default key source

  • key (String) – Key to release

  • sourceName (String) – Named key source to use or null for the default key source



Actions.pause(duration, sourceType, sourceName)

Add a pause to the current tick

  • duration (Number) – Minimum length of the tick in ms.

  • sourceType (String) – source type

  • sourceName (String) – Named key, pointer or wheel source to use or null for the default key, pointer or wheel source



Actions.pointerDown(button, sourceName)

Create a pointerDown event for the current default pointer source

  • button (String) – Button to press

  • sourceName (String) – Named pointer source to use or null for the default pointer source



Actions.pointerMove(x, y, origin, duration, sourceName)

Create a move event for the current default pointer source

  • x (Number) – Destination x coordinate

  • y (Number) – Destination y coordinate

  • origin (String|Element) – Origin of the coordinate system. Either “pointer”, “viewport” or an Element

  • duration (Number) – Time in ms for the move

  • sourceName (String) – Named pointer source to use or null for the default pointer source



Actions.pointerUp(button, sourceName)

Create a pointerUp event for the current default pointer source

  • button (String) – Button to release

  • sourceName (String) – Named pointer source to use or null for the default pointer source



Actions.scroll(x, y, deltaX, deltaY, origin, duration, sourceName)

Create a scroll event for the current default wheel source

  • x (Number) – mouse cursor x coordinate

  • y (Number) – mouse cursor y coordinate

  • deltaX (Number) – scroll delta value along the x-axis in pixels

  • deltaY (Number) – scroll delta value along the y-axis in pixels

  • origin (String|Element) – Origin of the coordinate system. Either “viewport” or an Element

  • duration (Number) – Time in ms for the scroll

  • sourceName (String) – Named wheel source to use or null for the default wheel source




Generate and send the action sequence


Promise – fulfilled after the sequence is executed, rejected if any actions fail.


Generate the action sequence suitable for passing to test_driver.action_sequence


Array – Array of WebDriver-compatible actions sequences


Set the context for the actions

  • context (WindowProxy) – Context in which to run the action sequence


Set the current default key source

  • name (String) – Name of the key source




Set the current default pointer source

  • name (String) – Name of the pointer source




Set the current default wheel source

  • name (String) – Name of the wheel source



Using in other browsing contexts

For the actions API, the context can be set using the setContext method on the builder:

let actions = new test_driver.Actions()
await actions.send();

Note that if an action uses an element reference, the context will be derived from that element, and must match any explicitly set context. Using elements in multiple contexts in a single action chain is not supported.


This module corresponds to the WebDriver BiDi Log module and provides access to browser logs.

Entry added

This provides methods to subscribe to and listen for the log.entryAdded event.


await test_driver.bidi.log.entry_added.subscribe();
const log_entry_promise = test_driver.bidi.log.entry_added.once();
console.log("some message");
const event = await log_entry_promise;
static test_driver.bidi.log.entry_added.subscribe(params)

Subscribes to the event. Events will be emitted only if there is a subscription for the event. This method does not add actual listeners. To listen to the event, use the on or once methods. The buffered events will be emitted before the command promise is resolved.

  • params (object) – Parameters for the subscription.

  • params.contexts (null|Array.<(Context)>) – The optional contexts parameter specifies which browsing contexts to subscribe to the event on. It should be either an array of Context objects, or null. If null, the event will be subscribed to globally. If omitted, the event will be subscribed to on the current browsing context.


Promise.<void> – Resolves when the subscription is successfully done.

static test_driver.bidi.log.entry_added.on(callback)

Adds an event listener for the event.

  • callback (function) – The callback to be called when the event is emitted. The callback is called with the event object as a parameter.


function – A function that removes the added event listener when called.

static test_driver.bidi.log.entry_added.once()

Adds an event listener for the event that is only called once and removed afterward.


Promise.<LogEntryAdded> – The promise which is resolved with the event object when the event is emitted.


The module provides access to Web Bluetooth.

static test_driver.bidi.bluetooth.handle_request_device_prompt(params)

Handle a bluetooth device prompt with the given params. Matches the bluetooth.handleRequestDevicePrompt WebDriver BiDi command.


Promise – fulfilled after the bluetooth device prompt is handled, or rejected if the operation fails.


await test_driver.bidi.bluetooth.handleRequestDevicePrompt({
    prompt: "pmt-e0a234b",
    accept: true,
    device: "dvc-9b3b872"
static test_driver.bidi.bluetooth.simulate_adapter(params)

Creates a simulated bluetooth adapter with the given params. Matches the bluetooth.simulateAdapter WebDriver BiDi command.

  • params (object) – Parameters for the command.

  • params.state (string) – The state of the simulated bluetooth adapter. Matches the bluetooth.SimulateAdapterParameters:state value.

  • params.context (Context) – The optional context parameter specifies in which browsing context the simulated bluetooth adapter should be set. If not provided, the current browsing context is used.


Promise – fulfilled after the simulated bluetooth adapter is created and set, or rejected if the operation fails.


await test_driver.bidi.bluetooth.simulate_adapter({
    state: "powered-on"
static test_driver.bidi.bluetooth.simulate_preconnected_peripheral(params)

Creates a simulated bluetooth peripheral with the given params. Matches the bluetooth.simulatePreconnectedPeripheral WebDriver BiDi command.


Promise – fulfilled after the simulated bluetooth peripheral is created and set, or rejected if the operation fails.


await test_driver.bidi.bluetooth.simulatePreconnectedPeripheral({
    "address": "09:09:09:09:09:09",
    "name": "Some Device",
    "manufacturerData": [{key: 17, data: "AP8BAX8="}],
    "knownServiceUuids": [
static test_driver.bidi.bluetooth.request_device_prompt_updated()

bluetooth.RequestDevicePromptUpdatedParameters event.