Command-Line Arguments¶
The wpt
command-line application offers a number of features for interacting
with WPT. The functionality is organized into “sub-commands”, and each accepts
a different set of command-line arguments.
This page documents all of the available sub-commands and associated arguments.
usage: wpt [-h]
Build documentation
wpt build-docs [-h] [--type TYPE] [--docker] [--serve [SERVE]]
Named Arguments¶
- --type
Output type (default: html)
Default: “html”
- --docker
Run inside the docs docker image
Default: False
- --serve
Run a server on the specified port (default: 8000)
List test jobs that should run for a set of commits
wpt test-jobs [-h] [--all] [--includes [INCLUDES ...]] [--json] [revish]
Positional Arguments¶
- revish
Commits to consider. Defaults to the commits on the current branch
Named Arguments¶
- --all
List all jobs unconditionally.
Default: False
- --includes
Jobs to check for. Return code is 0 if all jobs are found, otherwise 1
- --json
Output jobs as JSON, instead of one per line
Default: False
Output a hosts file to stdout
wpt make-hosts-file [-h] [address]
Positional Arguments¶
- address
Address that hosts should point at
Default: “”
Regenerate the WPT certificates
wpt regen-certs [-h] [--checkend-seconds CHECKEND_SECONDS] [--force]
Named Arguments¶
- --checkend-seconds
The number of seconds the certificates must be valid for
Default: 5184000
- --force
Regenerate certificates even if not reaching expiry
Default: False
Update built tests
wpt update-built [-h] [--list]
[--include [{canvas,conformance-checkers,css-images,css-ui,css-writing-modes,fetch,html5lib,infrastructure,mimesniff,speculative-parsing} ...]]
Named Arguments¶
- --list
List suites that can be updated and the related script files
Default: False
- --include
Possible choices: canvas, conformance-checkers, css-images, css-ui, css-writing-modes, fetch, html5lib, infrastructure, mimesniff, speculative-parsing
Suites to update (default is to update everything)
Download logs from taskcluster
wpt tc-download [-h] [--ref REF] [--artifact-name ARTIFACT_NAME]
[--repo-name REPO_NAME] [--token-file TOKEN_FILE]
[--out-dir OUT_DIR]
Named Arguments¶
- --ref
Branch (in the GitHub repository) or commit to fetch logs for
Default: “master”
- --artifact-name
Log type to fetch
Default: “wpt_report.json.gz”
- --repo-name
GitHub repo name in the format owner/repo. This must be the repo from which the Taskcluster run was scheduled (for PRs this is the repo into which the PR would merge)
Default: “web-platform-tests/wpt”
- --token-file
File containing GitHub token
- --out-dir
Path to save the logfiles
Default: “.”
Run the decision task
wpt tc-decision [-h] [--event-path EVENT_PATH] [--dry-run]
[--tasks-path TASKS_PATH]
Named Arguments¶
- --event-path
Path to file containing serialized GitHub event
- --dry-run
Don’t actually create the tasks, just output the tasks that would be created
Default: False
- --tasks-path
Path to file in which to write payload for all scheduled tasks
Run the sink task
wpt tc-sink-task [-h] [--github-checks-text-file GITHUB_CHECKS_TEXT_FILE]
tasks [tasks ...]
Positional Arguments¶
- tasks
A set of Taskcluster task ids to verify the state of.
Named Arguments¶
- --github-checks-text-file
Path to GitHub checks output file for Taskcluster runs
Run wpt docker image
wpt docker-run [-h] [--rebuild] [--checkout CHECKOUT] [--privileged]
[--tag TAG]
Named Arguments¶
- --rebuild
Force rebuild of image
Default: False
- --checkout
Revision to checkout in the image. If this is not supplied we mount the wpt checkout on the host as /home/test/web-platform-tests/
- --privileged
Run the image in priviledged mode (required for emulators)
Default: False
- --tag
Docker image tag to use (default wpt:local)
Default: “wpt:local”
Build and push wpt docker image
wpt docker-push [-h] [--tag TAG] [--force]
Named Arguments¶
- --tag
Tag to use (default is taken from .taskcluster.yml)
- --force
Ignore warnings and push anyway
Default: False
Run the lint
wpt lint [-h] [--json] [--markdown] [--repo-root REPO_ROOT]
[--ignore-glob IGNORE_GLOB] [--all]
[--github-checks-text-file GITHUB_CHECKS_TEXT_FILE] [-j JOBS]
[--paths-file PATHS_FILE]
[paths ...]
Positional Arguments¶
- paths
List of paths to lint
Named Arguments¶
- --json
Output machine-readable JSON format
Default: False
- --markdown
Output markdown
Default: False
- --repo-root
The WPT directory. Use this option if the lint script exists outside the repository
- --ignore-glob
Additional file glob to ignore (repeat to add more). Globs are matched against paths relative to REPO_ROOT using fnmatch, except that path separators are normalized.
- --all
If no paths are passed, try to lint the whole working directory, not just files that changed
Default: False
- --github-checks-text-file
Path to GitHub checks output file for Taskcluster runs
- -j, --jobs
Level to parallelism to use (defaults to 0, which detects the number of CPUs)
Default: 0
- --paths-file
File containing a list of files to lint, one per line
Update the MANIFEST.json file
wpt manifest [-h] [-v] [-p PATH] [--tests-root TESTS_ROOT] [-r]
[--url-base URL_BASE] [--no-download] [--cache-root CACHE_ROOT]
[tests ...]
Positional Arguments¶
- tests
Test files or directories to update. Omit to update all items under the test root.
Named Arguments¶
- -v, --verbose
Turn on verbose logging
Default: False
- -p, --path
Path to manifest file.
- --tests-root
Path to root of tests.
Default: /home/runner/work/wpt/wpt
- -r, --rebuild
Force a full rebuild of the manifest.
Default: False
- --url-base
Base url to use as the mount point for tests in this manifest.
Default: “/”
- --no-download
Never attempt to download the manifest.
Default: True
- --cache-root
Path in which to store any caches (default <tests_root>/.wptcache/)
Default: “/home/runner/work/wpt/wpt/.wptcache”
- --no-parallel
Do not parallelize building the manifest
Default: True
Download recent pregenerated MANIFEST.json file
wpt manifest-download [-h] [-p PATH] [--tests-root TESTS_ROOT] [--force]
Named Arguments¶
- -p, --path
Path to manifest file.
- --tests-root
Path to root of tests.
Default: /home/runner/work/wpt/wpt
- --force
Always download, even if the existing manifest is recent
Default: False
Print test paths given a set of test ids
wpt test-paths [-h] [-p PATH] [--src-root SRC_ROOT] [--tests-root TESTS_ROOT]
[--no-update] [-r] [--url-base URL_BASE]
[--cache-root CACHE_ROOT] [--json]
test_ids [test_ids ...]
Positional Arguments¶
- test_ids
Test ids for which to get paths
Named Arguments¶
- -p, --path
Path to manifest file.
- --src-root
Path to root of sourcetree.
- --tests-root
Path to root of tests.
Default: /home/runner/work/wpt/wpt
- --no-update
Don’t update manifest before continuing
Default: True
- -r, --rebuild
Force a full rebuild of the manifest.
Default: False
- --url-base
Base url to use as the mount point for tests in this manifest.
Default: “/”
- --cache-root
Path in which to store any caches (default <tests_root>/.wptcache/)
Default: “/home/runner/work/wpt/wpt/.wptcache”
- --json
Output as JSON
Default: False
Update the SPEC_MANIFEST.json file
wpt spec [-h] [-v] [-p PATH] [--tests-root TESTS_ROOT] [--url-base URL_BASE]
[--cache-root CACHE_ROOT] [--no-parallel]
Named Arguments¶
- -v, --verbose
Turn on verbose logging
Default: False
- -p, --path
Path to manifest file.
- --tests-root
Path to root of tests.
Default: /home/runner/work/wpt/wpt
- --url-base
Base url to use as the mount point for tests in this manifest.
Default: “/”
- --cache-root
Path in which to store any caches (default <tests_root>/.wptcache/)
Default: “/home/runner/work/wpt/wpt/.wptcache”
- --no-parallel
Do not parallelize building the manifest
Default: True
Run wptserve server
wpt serve [-h] [--latency LATENCY] [--config CONFIG_PATH]
[--doc_root DOC_ROOT] [--ws_doc_root WS_DOC_ROOT]
[--ws_extra WS_EXTRA] [--inject-script INJECT_SCRIPT]
[--alias_file ALIAS_FILE] [--no-h2] [--webtransport-h3]
[--exit-after-start] [--verbose]
Named Arguments¶
- --latency
Artificial latency to add before sending http responses, in ms
- --config
Path to external config file
- --doc_root
Path to document root. Overrides config.
- --ws_doc_root
Path to WebSockets document root. Overrides config.
- --ws_extra
Path to extra directory containing ws handlers. Overrides config.
Default: []
- --inject-script
Path to script file to inject, useful for testing polyfills.
- --alias_file
File with entries for aliases/multiple doc roots. In form of /ALIAS_NAME/, DOC_ROOTn
- --no-h2
Disable the HTTP/2.0 server
- --webtransport-h3
Enable WebTransport over HTTP/3 server
Default: False
- --exit-after-start
Exit after starting servers
Default: False
- --verbose
Enable verbose logging
Default: False
Run wptserve server for WAVE
wpt serve-wave [-h] [--latency LATENCY] [--config CONFIG_PATH]
[--doc_root DOC_ROOT] [--ws_doc_root WS_DOC_ROOT]
[--ws_extra WS_EXTRA] [--inject-script INJECT_SCRIPT]
[--alias_file ALIAS_FILE] [--no-h2] [--webtransport-h3]
[--exit-after-start] [--verbose] [--report]
Named Arguments¶
- --latency
Artificial latency to add before sending http responses, in ms
- --config
Path to external config file
- --doc_root
Path to document root. Overrides config.
- --ws_doc_root
Path to WebSockets document root. Overrides config.
- --ws_extra
Path to extra directory containing ws handlers. Overrides config.
Default: []
- --inject-script
Path to script file to inject, useful for testing polyfills.
- --alias_file
File with entries for aliases/multiple doc roots. In form of /ALIAS_NAME/, DOC_ROOTn
- --no-h2
Disable the HTTP/2.0 server
- --webtransport-h3
Enable WebTransport over HTTP/3 server
Default: False
- --exit-after-start
Exit after starting servers
Default: False
- --verbose
Enable verbose logging
Default: False
- --report
Flag for enabling the WPTReporting server
Default: False
Run tests in a browser
wpt run
[--channel {stable,release,beta,dev,canary,nightly,preview,experimental}]
[--affected AFFECTED] [--yes] [--install-browser]
[--install-webdriver] [--logcat-dir LOGCAT_DIR] [-h]
[--manifest-update] [--no-manifest-update] [--manifest-download]
[--no-manifest-download] [--timeout-multiplier TIMEOUT_MULTIPLIER]
[--run-by-dir [RUN_BY_DIR]] [-f] [--processes PROCESSES]
[--max-restarts MAX_RESTARTS] [--no-capture-stdio]
[--no-fail-on-unexpected] [--no-fail-on-unexpected-pass]
[--no-restart-on-new-group] [--list-test-groups] [--list-disabled]
[--list-tests] [--verify] [--verify-log-full]
[--verify-repeat-loop VERIFY_REPEAT_LOOP]
[--verify-repeat-restart VERIFY_REPEAT_RESTART]
[--verify-no-chaos-mode | --verify-chaos-mode]
[--verify-max-time VERIFY_MAX_TIME]
[--repeat-max-time REPEAT_MAX_TIME]
[--verify-no-output-results | --verify-output-results]
[--test-types [{print-reftest,testharness,wdspec,crashtest,reftest} ...]]
[--subsuite-file SUBSUITE_FILE] [--subsuite SUBSUITES]
[--small-subsuite-size SMALL_SUBSUITE_SIZE] [--include INCLUDE]
[--include-file INCLUDE_FILE] [--exclude EXCLUDE]
[--exclude-file EXCLUDE_FILE] [--include-manifest INCLUDE_MANIFEST]
[--test-groups TEST_GROUPS_FILE] [--skip-timeout] [--skip-crash]
[--skip-implementation-status {not-implementing,backlog,implementing}]
[--enable-webtransport-h3] [--no-enable-webtransport-h3] [--tag TAGS]
[--exclude-tag EXCLUDE_TAGS] [--default-exclude]
[--debugger [DEBUGGER]] [--debugger-args DEBUGGER_ARGS]
[--rerun RERUN] [--repeat REPEAT] [--repeat-until-unexpected]
[--retry-unexpected RETRY_UNEXPECTED] [--pause-after-test]
[--no-pause-after-test] [--debug-test] [--pause-on-unexpected]
[--no-restart-on-unexpected] [--symbols-path SYMBOLS_PATH]
[--stackwalk-binary STACKWALK_BINARY] [--pdb] [--leak-check]
[--no-leak-check] [--adb-binary ADB_BINARY]
[--package-name PACKAGE_NAME] [--keep-app-data-directory]
[--device-serial DEVICE_SERIAL] [--binary BINARY]
[--binary-arg BINARY_ARGS] [--webdriver-binary BINARY]
[--webdriver-arg WEBDRIVER_ARGS] [--metadata METADATA_ROOT]
[--tests TESTS_ROOT] [--manifest MANIFEST_PATH] [--run-info RUN_INFO]
[--product {android_webview,chrome,chrome_android,chrome_ios,chromium,edge,firefox,firefox_android,headless_shell,safari,sauce,servo,servodriver,opera,webkit,webkitgtk_minibrowser,wpewebkit_minibrowser,wktr,epiphany,ladybird}]
[--browser-version BROWSER_VERSION]
[--browser-channel BROWSER_CHANNEL] [--config CONFIG]
[--install-fonts] [--no-install-fonts] [--font-dir FONT_DIR]
[--inject-script INJECT_SCRIPT] [--headless] [--no-headless]
[--instrument-to-file INSTRUMENT_TO_FILE]
[--suppress-handler-traceback] [--no-suppress-handler-traceback]
[--ws-extra WS_EXTRA] [--debug-build | --release-build]
[--total-chunks TOTAL_CHUNKS] [--this-chunk THIS_CHUNK]
[--chunk-type {none,hash,id_hash,dir_hash}]
[--ssl-type {openssl,pregenerated,none}]
[--openssl-binary OPENSSL_BINARY] [--certutil-binary CERTUTIL_BINARY]
[--ca-cert-path CA_CERT_PATH] [--host-key-path HOST_KEY_PATH]
[--host-cert-path HOST_CERT_PATH] [--prefs-root PREFS_ROOT]
[--preload-browser] [--no-preload-browser] [--disable-e10s]
[--disable-fission] [--stackfix-dir STACKFIX_DIR]
[--specialpowers-path SPECIALPOWERS_PATH] [--setpref PREF=VALUE]
[--reftest-internal] [--reftest-external]
[--reftest-screenshot {always,fail,unexpected}]
[--chaos [CHAOS_MODE_FLAGS]] [--setenv ENV]
[--user-stylesheet USER_STYLESHEETS] [--enable-mojojs]
[--mojojs-path MOJOJS_PATH] [--enable-swiftshader]
[--enable-experimental] [--no-enable-experimental]
[--enable-sanitizer] [--reuse-window] [--sauce-browser SAUCE_BROWSER]
[--sauce-platform SAUCE_PLATFORM] [--sauce-version SAUCE_VERSION]
[--sauce-build SAUCE_BUILD] [--sauce-tags [SAUCE_TAGS ...]]
[--sauce-tunnel-id SAUCE_TUNNEL_ID] [--sauce-user SAUCE_USER]
[--sauce-key SAUCE_KEY] [--sauce-connect-binary SAUCE_CONNECT_BINARY]
[--sauce-init-timeout SAUCE_INIT_TIMEOUT]
[--sauce-connect-arg SAUCE_CONNECT_ARGS]
[--github-checks-text-file GITHUB_CHECKS_TEXT_FILE]
[--webkit-port WEBKIT_PORT] [--kill-safari] [--log-raw LOG_RAW]
[--log-unittest LOG_UNITTEST] [--log-xunit LOG_XUNIT]
[--log-html LOG_HTML] [--log-mach LOG_MACH] [--log-tbpl LOG_TBPL]
[--log-grouped LOG_GROUPED] [--log-chromium LOG_CHROMIUM]
[--log-wptreport LOG_WPTREPORT]
[--log-wptscreenshot LOG_WPTSCREENSHOT]
[--log-raw-level LOG_RAW_LEVEL] [--log-mach-verbose]
[--log-mach-level LOG_MACH_LEVEL] [--log-mach-buffer LOG_MACH_BUFFER]
[--log-mach-screenshot] [--log-mach-no-screenshot]
[--log-tbpl-compact] [--log-tbpl-level LOG_TBPL_LEVEL]
[--log-tbpl-buffer LOG_TBPL_BUFFER]
[--log-wptscreenshot-api LOG_WPTSCREENSHOT_API]
product [test_list ...]
Positional Arguments¶
- product
Browser to run tests in
- test_list
List of URLs for tests to run, or paths including tests to run. (equivalent to –include)
Named Arguments¶
- --channel
Possible choices: stable, release, beta, dev, canary, nightly, preview, experimental
Name of browser release channel (default: nightly). “stable” and “release” are synonyms for the latest browser stable release; “beta” is the beta release; “dev” is only meaningful for Chrome (i.e. Chrome Dev); “nightly”, “experimental”, and “preview” are all synonyms for the latest available development or trunk release. (For WebDriver installs, we attempt to select an appropriate, compatible version for the latest browser release on the selected channel.) This flag overrides –browser-channel.
Default: “nightly”
- --affected
Run affected tests since revish
- --yes, -y
Don’t prompt before installing components
Default: True
- --install-browser
Install the browser from the release channel specified by –channel (or the nightly channel by default).
Default: False
- --install-webdriver
Install WebDriver from the release channel specified by –channel (or the nightly channel by default).
Default: False
- --logcat-dir
Directory to write Android logcat files to
- --manifest-update
Regenerate the test manifest.
- --no-manifest-update
Prevent regeneration of the test manifest.
Default: True
- --manifest-download
Attempt to download a preexisting manifest when updating.
- --no-manifest-download
Prevent download of the test manifest.
Default: True
- --timeout-multiplier
Multiplier relative to standard test timeout to use
- --run-by-dir
Split run into groups by directories. With a parameter,limit the depth of splits e.g. –run-by-dir=1 to split by top-leveldirectory
Default: False
- -f, --fully-parallel
Run every test in a separate group for fully parallelism.
Default: False
- --processes
Number of simultaneous processes to use
- --max-restarts
Maximum number of browser restart retries
Default: 5
- --no-capture-stdio
Don’t capture stdio and write to logging
Default: False
- --no-fail-on-unexpected
Exit with status code 0 when test expectations are violated
Default: True
- --no-fail-on-unexpected-pass
Exit with status code 0 when all unexpected results are PASS
Default: True
- --no-restart-on-new-group
Don’t restart test runner when start a new test group
Default: True
- --debug-build
Build is a debug build (overrides any mozinfo file)
- --release-build
Build is a release (overrides any mozinfo file)
- --list-test-groups
List the top level directories containing tests that will run.
Default: False
- --list-disabled
List the tests that are disabled on the current platform
Default: False
- --list-tests
List all tests that will run
Default: False
- --verify
Run a stability check on the selected tests
Default: False
- --verify-log-full
Output per-iteration test results when running verify
Default: False
- --verify-repeat-loop
Number of iterations for a run that reloads each test without restart.
Default: 10
- --verify-repeat-restart
Number of iterations, for a run that restarts the runner between each iteration
Default: 5
- --verify-no-chaos-mode
Disable chaos mode when running on Firefox
Default: True
- --verify-chaos-mode
Enable chaos mode when running on Firefox
Default: True
- --verify-max-time
The maximum number of minutes for the job to run
- --repeat-max-time
The maximum number of minutes for the test suite to attempt repeat runs
Default: 100
- --verify-no-output-results
Prints individuals test results and messages
Default: True
- --verify-output-results
Disable printing individuals test results and messages
Default: True
Test Selection¶
- --test-types
Possible choices: print-reftest, testharness, wdspec, crashtest, reftest
Test types to run
Default: {‘print-reftest’, ‘testharness’, ‘wdspec’, ‘crashtest’, ‘reftest’}
- --subsuite-file
Path to JSON file containing subsuite configuration
- --subsuite
Subsuite names to run. Runs all subsuites when omitted.
- --small-subsuite-size
Maximum number of tests a subsuite can have to be treated as small subsuite.Tests from a small subsuite will be grouped in one group.
Default: 50
- --include
URL prefix to include
- --include-file
A file listing URL prefix for tests
- --exclude
URL prefix to exclude
- --exclude-file
A file listing URL prefix for tests
- --include-manifest
Path to manifest listing tests to include
- --test-groups
Path to json file containing a mapping {group_name: [test_ids]}
- --skip-timeout
Skip tests that are expected to time out
Default: False
- --skip-crash
Skip tests that are expected to crash
Default: False
- --skip-implementation-status
Possible choices: not-implementing, backlog, implementing
Skip tests that have the given implementation status
- --enable-webtransport-h3
Enable tests that require WebTransport over HTTP/3 server (default: false)
- --no-enable-webtransport-h3
Do not enable WebTransport tests on experimental channels
Default: True
- --tag
Labels applied to tests to include in the run. Labels starting dir: are equivalent to top-level directories.
- --exclude-tag
Labels applied to tests to exclude in the run. Takes precedence over –tag. Labels starting dir: are equivalent to top-level directories.
- --default-exclude
Only run the tests explicitly given in arguments. No tests will run if the list is empty, and the program will exit with status code 0.
Default: False
- --debugger
run under a debugger, e.g. gdb or valgrind
- --debugger-args
arguments to the debugger
- --rerun
Number of times to re run each test without restarts
Default: 1
- --repeat
Number of times to run the tests, restarting between each run
Default: 1
- --repeat-until-unexpected
Run tests in a loop until one returns an unexpected result
- --retry-unexpected
Maximum number of times to retry unexpected tests. A test is retried until it gets one of the expected status, or until it exhausts the maximum number of retries.
Default: 0
- --pause-after-test
Halt the test runner after each test (this happens by default if only a single test is run)
- --no-pause-after-test
Don’t halt the test runner irrespective of the number of tests run
Default: True
- --debug-test
Run tests with additional debugging features enabled
Default: False
- --pause-on-unexpected
Halt the test runner when an unexpected result is encountered
Default: False
- --no-restart-on-unexpected
Don’t restart on an unexpected result
Default: True
- --symbols-path
Path or url to symbols file used to analyse crash minidumps.
- --stackwalk-binary
Path to stackwalker program used to analyse minidumps.
- --pdb
Drop into pdb on python exception
Default: False
- --leak-check
Enable leak checking for supported browsers (Gecko: enabled by default for debug builds, silently ignored for opt, mobile)
- --no-leak-check
Disable leak checking
Android specific arguments¶
- --adb-binary
Path to adb binary to use
- --package-name
Android package name to run tests against
- --keep-app-data-directory
Don’t delete the app data directory
Default: False
- --device-serial
Running Android instances to connect to, if not emulator-5554
Default: []
- --binary
Desktop binary to run tests against
- --binary-arg
Extra argument for the binary
Default: []
- --webdriver-binary
WebDriver server binary to use
- --webdriver-arg
Extra argument for the WebDriver binary
Default: []
- --metadata
Path to root directory containing test metadata
- --tests
Path to root directory containing test files
- --manifest
Path to test manifest (default is ${metadata_root}/MANIFEST.json)
- --run-info
Path to directory containing extra json files to add to run info
- --product
Possible choices: android_webview, chrome, chrome_android, chrome_ios, chromium, edge, firefox, firefox_android, headless_shell, safari, sauce, servo, servodriver, opera, webkit, webkitgtk_minibrowser, wpewebkit_minibrowser, wktr, epiphany, ladybird
Browser against which to run tests
- --browser-version
Informative string detailing the browser release version. This is included in the run_info data.
- --browser-channel
Informative string detailing the browser release channel. This is included in the run_info data.
- --config
Path to config file
- --install-fonts
Install additional system fonts on your system
- --no-install-fonts
Do not install additional system fonts on your system
Default: True
- --font-dir
Path to local font installation directory
- --inject-script
Path to script file to inject, useful for testing polyfills.
- --headless
Run browser in headless mode
- --no-headless
Don’t run browser in headless mode
Default: True
- --instrument-to-file
Path to write instrumentation logs to
- --suppress-handler-traceback
Don’t write the stacktrace for exceptions in server handlers
- --no-suppress-handler-traceback
Write the stacktrace for exceptions in server handlers
Default: True
- --ws-extra
Extra paths containing websockets handlers
Test Chunking¶
- --total-chunks
Total number of chunks to use
Default: 1
- --this-chunk
Chunk number to run
Default: 1
- --chunk-type
Possible choices: none, hash, id_hash, dir_hash
Chunking type to use
- --ssl-type
Possible choices: openssl, pregenerated, none
Type of ssl support to enable (running without ssl may lead to spurious errors)
- --openssl-binary
Path to openssl binary
Default: “openssl”
- --certutil-binary
Path to certutil binary for use with Firefox + ssl
- --ca-cert-path
Path to ca certificate when using pregenerated ssl certificates
- --host-key-path
Path to host private key when using pregenerated ssl certificates
- --host-cert-path
Path to host certificate when using pregenerated ssl certificates
- --prefs-root
Path to the folder containing browser prefs
- --preload-browser
Preload a gecko instance for faster restarts
- --no-preload-browser
Don’t preload a gecko instance for faster restarts
- --disable-e10s
Run tests without electrolysis preferences
Default: True
- --disable-fission
Disable fission in Gecko.
Default: False
- --stackfix-dir
Path to directory containing assertion stack fixing scripts
- --specialpowers-path
Path to specialPowers extension xpi file
- --setpref
Defines an extra user preference (overrides those in prefs_root)
Default: []
- --reftest-internal
Enable reftest runner implemented inside Marionette
- --reftest-external
Disable reftest runner implemented inside Marionette
Default: True
- --reftest-screenshot
Possible choices: always, fail, unexpected
With –reftest-internal, when to take a screenshot
- --chaos
Enable chaos mode with the specified feature flag (see for details). If no value is supplied, all features are activated
- --setenv
Set target environment variable, like FOO=BAR
Default: []
- --user-stylesheet
Inject a user CSS stylesheet into every test.
Default: []
- --enable-mojojs
Enable MojoJS for testing. Note that this flag is usally enabled automatically by wpt run, if it succeeds in downloading the right version of or if –mojojs-path is specified.
Default: False
- --mojojs-path
Path to mojojs gen/ directory. If it is not specified, wpt run will download and extract into _venv2/mojojs/gen.
- --enable-swiftshader
Enable SwiftShader for CPU-based 3D graphics. This can be used in environments with no hardware GPU available.
Default: False
- --enable-experimental
Enable –enable-experimental-web-platform-features flag
- --no-enable-experimental
Do not enable –enable-experimental-web-platform-features flag on experimental channels
Default: True
- --enable-sanitizer
Only alert on sanitizer-related errors and crashes.
Default: False
- --reuse-window
Reuse a window across testharness.js tests where possible, which can speed up testing. Also useful for ensuring that the renderer process has a stable PID for a debugger to attach to.
Default: False
Sauce Labs-specific¶
- --sauce-browser
Sauce Labs browser name
- --sauce-platform
Sauce Labs OS platform
- --sauce-version
Sauce Labs browser version
- --sauce-build
Sauce Labs build identifier
- --sauce-tags
Sauce Labs identifying tag
Default: []
- --sauce-tunnel-id
Sauce Connect tunnel identifier
- --sauce-user
Sauce Labs user name
- --sauce-key
Sauce Labs access key
- --sauce-connect-binary
Path to Sauce Connect binary
- --sauce-init-timeout
Number of seconds to wait for Sauce Connect tunnel to be available before aborting
Default: 30
- --sauce-connect-arg
Command-line argument to forward to the Sauce Connect binary (repeatable)
Default: []
- --github-checks-text-file
Path to GitHub checks output file
- --webkit-port
WebKit port
- --kill-safari
Kill Safari when stopping the browser
Default: False
Output Logging¶
Each option represents a possible logging format and takes a filename to write that format to, or ‘-’ to write to stdout. Some options are provided by the mozlog utility; see for extended documentation.
- --log-raw
Raw structured log messages (provided by mozlog)
- --log-unittest
Unittest style output (provided by mozlog)
- --log-xunit
xUnit compatible XML (provided by mozlog)
- --log-html
HTML report (provided by mozlog)
- --log-mach
Human-readable output (provided by mozlog)
- --log-tbpl
TBPL style log format (provided by mozlog)
- --log-grouped
Grouped summary of test results (provided by mozlog)
- --log-chromium
Chromium Layout Tests format
- --log-wptreport
wptreport format
- --log-wptscreenshot screenshots
- --log-raw-level
A least log level to subscribe to for the given formatter (debug, info, error, etc.)
- --log-mach-verbose
Enables verbose mode for the given formatter.
- --log-mach-level
A least log level to subscribe to for the given formatter (debug, info, error, etc.)
- --log-mach-buffer
If specified, enables message buffering at the given buffer size limit.
- --log-mach-screenshot
Enable logging reftest-analyzer compatible screenshot data.
- --log-mach-no-screenshot
Disable logging reftest-analyzer compatible screenshot data.
- --log-tbpl-compact
Enables compact mode for the given formatter.
- --log-tbpl-level
A least log level to subscribe to for the given formatter (debug, info, error, etc.)
- --log-tbpl-buffer
If specified, enables message buffering at the given buffer size limit.
- --log-wptscreenshot-api
Cache API (default:
Create a new wpt test
wpt create [-h] [--no-editor] [-e EDITOR] [--long-timeout] [--overwrite] [-r]
[-m REF] [--mismatch] [--wait] [--tests-root TESTS_ROOT]
Positional Arguments¶
- path
Path to the test file
Named Arguments¶
- --no-editor
Don’t try to open the test in an editor
Default: False
- -e, --editor
Editor to use
- --long-timeout
Test should be given a long timeout (typically 60s rather than 10s, but varies depending on environment)
Default: False
- --overwrite
Allow overwriting an existing test file
Default: False
- -r, --reftest
Create a reftest rather than a testharness (js) test
Default: False
- -m, --reference
Path to the reference file
- --mismatch
Create a mismatch reftest
Default: False
- --wait
Create a reftest that waits until takeScreenshot() is called
Default: False
- --tests-root
Path to the root of the wpt directory
Default: “/home/runner/work/wpt/wpt/tools/wpt/../..”
Update expectations files from raw logs.
wpt update-expectations [-h] [--config CONFIG] [--metadata METADATA_ROOT]
[--tests TESTS_ROOT] [--manifest MANIFEST_PATH]
[--disable-intermittent [DISABLE_INTERMITTENT]]
[--update-intermittent] [--remove-intermittent]
[--properties-file PROPERTIES_FILE]
[--extra-property EXTRA_PROPERTY] [--log-raw LOG_RAW]
[--log-unittest LOG_UNITTEST] [--log-xunit LOG_XUNIT]
[--log-html LOG_HTML] [--log-mach LOG_MACH]
[--log-tbpl LOG_TBPL] [--log-grouped LOG_GROUPED]
[--log-chromium LOG_CHROMIUM]
[--log-wptreport LOG_WPTREPORT]
[--log-wptscreenshot LOG_WPTSCREENSHOT]
[--log-raw-level LOG_RAW_LEVEL] [--log-mach-verbose]
[--log-mach-level LOG_MACH_LEVEL]
[--log-mach-buffer LOG_MACH_BUFFER]
[--log-mach-screenshot] [--log-mach-no-screenshot]
[--log-tbpl-compact] [--log-tbpl-level LOG_TBPL_LEVEL]
[--log-tbpl-buffer LOG_TBPL_BUFFER]
[--log-wptscreenshot-api LOG_WPTSCREENSHOT_API]
[run_log ...]
Positional Arguments¶
- run_log
Log file from run of tests
Named Arguments¶
- --config
Path to config file
- --metadata
Path to the folder containing test metadata
- --tests
Path to web-platform-tests
- --manifest
Path to test manifest (default is ${metadata_root}/MANIFEST.json)
- --full
For all tests that are updated, remove any existing conditions and missing subtests
Default: False
- --disable-intermittent
Reason for disabling tests. When updating test results, disable tests that have inconsistent results across many runs with the given reason.
- --update-intermittent
Update test metadata with expected intermittent statuses.
Default: False
- --remove-intermittent
Remove obsolete intermittent statuses from expected statuses.
Default: False
- --no-remove-obsolete
Don’t remove metadata files that no longer correspond to a test file
Default: True
- --properties-file
- Path to a JSON file containing run_info properties to use in update. This must be of the form
{“properties”: [<name>], “dependents”: {<property name>: [<name>]}}
- --no-properties-file
Don’t use the default properties file at ${metadata_root}/update_properties.json, even if it exists.
Default: False
- --extra-property
Extra property from run_info.json to use in metadata update.
Default: []
Output Logging¶
Each option represents a possible logging format and takes a filename to write that format to, or ‘-’ to write to stdout. Some options are provided by the mozlog utility; see for extended documentation.
- --log-raw
Raw structured log messages (provided by mozlog)
- --log-unittest
Unittest style output (provided by mozlog)
- --log-xunit
xUnit compatible XML (provided by mozlog)
- --log-html
HTML report (provided by mozlog)
- --log-mach
Human-readable output (provided by mozlog)
- --log-tbpl
TBPL style log format (provided by mozlog)
- --log-grouped
Grouped summary of test results (provided by mozlog)
- --log-chromium
Chromium Layout Tests format
- --log-wptreport
wptreport format
- --log-wptscreenshot screenshots
- --log-raw-level
A least log level to subscribe to for the given formatter (debug, info, error, etc.)
- --log-mach-verbose
Enables verbose mode for the given formatter.
- --log-mach-level
A least log level to subscribe to for the given formatter (debug, info, error, etc.)
- --log-mach-buffer
If specified, enables message buffering at the given buffer size limit.
- --log-mach-screenshot
Enable logging reftest-analyzer compatible screenshot data.
- --log-mach-no-screenshot
Disable logging reftest-analyzer compatible screenshot data.
- --log-tbpl-compact
Enables compact mode for the given formatter.
- --log-tbpl-level
A least log level to subscribe to for the given formatter (debug, info, error, etc.)
- --log-tbpl-buffer
If specified, enables message buffering at the given buffer size limit.
- --log-wptscreenshot-api
Cache API (default:
Get a list of files that have changed
wpt files-changed [-h] [--ignore-rule IGNORE_RULE] [--modified] [--new]
[--show-type] [--null]
Positional Arguments¶
- revish
Commits to consider. Defaults to the commits on the current branch
Named Arguments¶
- --ignore-rule
Override the rules for paths to exclude from lists of changes. Rules are paths relative to the test root, with * before a separator or the end matching anything other than a path separator and ** in that position matching anything. This flag can be used multiple times for multiple rules. Specifying this flag overrides the default: resources/testharness*, resources/testdriver*
- --modified
Include files under version control that have been modified or staged
Default: False
- --new
Include files in the worktree that are not in version control
Default: False
- --show-type
Print the test type along with each affected test
Default: False
- --null
Separate items with a null byte
Default: False
Get a list of tests affected by changes
wpt tests-affected [-h] [--ignore-rule IGNORE_RULE] [--modified] [--new]
[--show-type] [--null] [--metadata METADATA_ROOT]
Positional Arguments¶
- revish
Commits to consider. Defaults to the commits on the current branch
Named Arguments¶
- --ignore-rule
Override the rules for paths to exclude from lists of changes. Rules are paths relative to the test root, with * before a separator or the end matching anything other than a path separator and ** in that position matching anything. This flag can be used multiple times for multiple rules. Specifying this flag overrides the default: resources/testharness*, resources/testdriver*
- --modified
Include files under version control that have been modified or staged
Default: False
- --new
Include files in the worktree that are not in version control
Default: False
- --show-type
Print the test type along with each affected test
Default: False
- --null
Separate items with a null byte
Default: False
- --metadata
Directory that will contain MANIFEST.json
Default: “/home/runner/work/wpt/wpt”
Install browser components
wpt install [-h]
[--channel {stable,release,beta,dev,canary,nightly,preview,experimental}]
[--download-only] [--rename RENAME] [-d DESTINATION]
[--revision REVISION]
{firefox,chrome,chromium,servo,safari,wktr} {browser,webdriver}
Positional Arguments¶
- browser
Possible choices: firefox, chrome, chromium, servo, safari, wktr
name of web browser product
- component
Possible choices: browser, webdriver
name of component
Named Arguments¶
- --channel
Possible choices: stable, release, beta, dev, canary, nightly, preview, experimental
Name of browser release channel (default: nightly). “stable” and “release” are synonyms for the latest browser stable release; “beta” is the beta release; “dev” is only meaningful for Chrome (i.e. Chrome Dev); “nightly”, “experimental”, and “preview” are all synonyms for the latest available development or trunk release. (For WebDriver installs, we attempt to select an appropriate, compatible version for the latest browser release on the selected channel.) This flag overrides –browser-channel.
Default: “nightly”
- --download-only
Download the selected component but don’t install it
Default: False
- --rename
Filename, excluding extension for downloaded archive (only with –download-only)
- -d, --destination
filesystem directory to place the component
- --revision
Chromium revision to install from snapshots
List tagged revisions at regular intervals
wpt rev-list [-h] [--epoch EPOCH] [--max-count MAX_COUNT]
Named Arguments¶
- --epoch
regular interval of time selected to get the tagged revisions. Valid values are digits followed by h/d/w (e.x. 9h, 9d, 9w …) where the mimimun selectable interval is one hour (1h)
Default: 1d
- --max-count
maximum number of revisions to be returned by the command
Default: 1
Setup the x86 android emulator
wpt install-android-emulator [-h] [--path DEST] [--reinstall] [--prompt]
Named Arguments¶
- --path
Root path to use for emulator tooling
- --reinstall
Force reinstall even if the emulator already exists
Default: False
- --prompt
Enable confirmation prompts
Default: False
- --no-prompt
Skip confirmation prompts
Default: True
Start the x86 android emulator
wpt start-android-emulator [-h] [--path DEST] [--reinstall] [--prompt]
[--no-prompt] [--device-serial DEVICE_SERIAL]
Named Arguments¶
- --path
Root path to use for emulator tooling
- --reinstall
Force reinstall even if the emulator already exists
Default: False
- --prompt
Enable confirmation prompts
Default: False
- --no-prompt
Skip confirmation prompts
Default: True
- --device-serial
Device serial number for Android emulator, if not emulator-5554
wpt web-features-manifest [-h] [-p PATH]
Named Arguments¶
- -p, --path
Path to manifest file.